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Canada-India trade and trade relations have plunged, stopped in their collective tracks by a Canadian government allegation that India may have been involved in the assassination of a Canadian Sikh activist.

In the balance is whether a Canada-India Free Trade Agreement (“FTA”) will ever come to fruition, and Canada’s growing trade with this aspiring superpower.

Here are the high points on why and why not a FTA with India would be a good thing for Canada.

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On April 26, 2023, the Canadian Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) issued a notice concluding its re-investigation in respect of corrosion-resistant steel sheet (“COR”) originating in or exported from China, Taiwan, India, or South Korea, and updating normal values and export prices. Normal values previously in place expired as of April 26, 2023!

Three (3) producers/exporters in China, three (3) in Taiwan, and two (2) in South Korea fully co-operated with CBSA and were assigned normal values (and export prices, as applicable) as part of the re-investigation. All other producers and exporters will be subject to the following rates of ADDs:

  • China:................. 53.3%
  • Taiwan:.............. 32.2%
  • India:.................. 40.0%
  • South Korea:...... 40.0%
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Hits: 555

On May 4, 2023, the Canadian Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) issued a notice that it will be conducting a re-investigation in respect of carbon steel welded pipe originating in or exported from Taiwan, India, Oman, South Korea, Thailand, and the UAE (the “Listed Countries”). CBSA has issued a Request for Information (“RFI”) to both importers and exporters, and responses are due June 5, 2023 and June 12, 2023, respectively!

Normal values established during the re-investigation will be effective as of the end date of the re-investigation, and all normal values currently in place will expire on that date.

Exporters of Subject Goods from the Listed Countries should consider cooperating with CBSA, as the potential anti-dumping duties (“ADDs”) for goods without normal values range from 29.6% for goods from Taiwan, to 54.2% for goods from the other Listed Countries. Exports from India are also subject to a countervailing duty (“CVD”) of 23,872 rupees per metric ton!

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On March 31, 2023, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) released a notice confirming that its re-investigation in respect of grinding media originating in or exported from India had concluded, updating normal values and export prices.

One (1) producer/exporter fully co-operated with CBSA (AIA Engineering Ltd., or “AIA”, and associated subsidiaries), and was assigned normal values as part of the re-investigation. All other exporters of subject goods from India will be subject to 38.7% anti-dumping duties (“ADD”) and counter-vailing duties (“CVD”) of 24,831 Indian rupee per metric tonne.

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Canada has bilateral free trade agreements with a number of other nations (e.g., between the US and Mexico under the USMCA, between Australia, Brunei, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam under the CPTPP, and with most of the European Union under the CETA).

Canada’s next target for free trade appears to be India, and Global Affairs indicates that negotiations toward an Early Progress Trade Agreement have been progressing rapidly!

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Hits: 1856

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