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On September 29, 2023, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) issued a scope ruling concluding that National Nail’s CAMO Edge Screws are subject to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (“CITT”)’s Expiry Review order covering the dumping of certain carbon steel fasteners from China and Chinese Taipei, and the subsidizing of certain carbon steel fasteners from China.

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Hits: 1069

One of the most difficult aspects of dealing with anti-dumping measures can be figuring out whether goods are caught by an active measure or not. Because appeals in this area are pay-to-play, getting these issues right up front is extremely important!

Luckily, the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA”) provides a formal process – called a “scope proceeding” – which will determine whether a good is caught by an Order (as well as Findings or Undertakings)!

While the technical aspects of a scope proceeding are complicated, based on historical jurisprudence in this area, many Clients prefer the certainty of a scope proceeding than simply importing on speculation – especially where the potential costs of CBSA taking a different view are measured in one, two and three times of goods sold!

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Hits: 901

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